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Mistakes in chat support and how to avoid them

It is important to develop a strong link with the customers to enhance your sales. The only way to develop those links is by providing the best quality services as well as customer support. Many companies only focus on providing the best services. While they don’t really have any concerns about their customer support team. Many customers can only be attained by the support team. If the support team is able to handle the customer in an effective manner, there are more chances that the client will get onboard with the company. You need to have a good chat service along with a well trained team to benefit from chat contact channel.

Mistakes at the end of the chat support staff

However, due to the lack of training skills, customer support is unable to handle the clients and answer all their queries which result in poor results and low sales. The other major reason along with the humans’ error is the technical error that most companies fail to identify. The solution to identify and solve the human error is training your chat agents.  How can you do this? Record yourself and create your online training program for your team. It can be one, long video or few shorter. Put there all your knowledge about sales, proper communication etc. This will allow them to handle their clients in a better and effective manner. By constantly adding next materials based on current needs of your team you can easily take your sales to another level. But what if you don’t have enough knowledge to create such training? Then you can search for help online – for example free .BespokeChat Academy which is a course about Proactive Chat Support. You can tell your chat agents to take it and that will give them tools to do their jobs in proactive way.


Lack of user-friendly chat interface

Sometimes, the web designers does not do their best to design the website to ensure that the clients have an easy access to the chat support staff. With issues with the designing and configuration of the website, fewer sales happen as fewer clients get in touch with the chat staff. If the website is configured keeping the needs of the company in perspective, then such things will not happen. It is important to have a sit down with the developers and the designers and communicate with them about what you are expecting from your website.

The configuration issues can have deep roots in the hindering the sales of the company. If you have a webpage in which the chat support button is inactive for most of the time due to the lack of the staff or any other technical issue, no wonder why you are having a dropping trend in your sales? Sometimes even if your chat button is active the chat is inactive or the consultant is busy. Sometimes there is a queue or the chat says that there is nobody online. These things will definitely lag you behind in your sales goals. For this purpose, you need a properly trained staff only for the chat support. To do so provide your employees with friendly environment. Reward them for their results. Let them know, that enhancing their skills will be noticed.

Lack of well-trained staff

The major mistake that most companies make is that they hire people for chat support without giving enough thought into it. For companies, it is disastrous to take the chat support staff for granted. They can make or break experience of your user. They might come off as snobbish or impractical while answering the customers which will not only hinder the sales but will bad name for the company as well. In that case it might be a good idea to create a code of conduct. Such collection of rules would allow your employees to remember what’s important while chatting with a client and what to focus on. This constant reminder will improve work of your chat agents and increase clients’ satisfaction. Below you can see example – Proactive chat support Manifesto – 11 rules that bring chat communication channel to the next level.

Formal language

Usually language used by chat agents is rather formal.  They use formulas and canned responses. This is a very common fail. Why is that?  Because chat is expected by customers to be more informal channel of communication. People want fast responses and casual conversations, which are a sign to them that you’re a human, not a chatbot. Be careful and pay attention. Keep your chats easy-going. Clients will notice that and when they feel comfortable they will more likely do business with you. Casual chats work better.

Reactive chat

Some say that chat agent’s work is very schematic. A customer starts chat with some questions which are answered by agent. He answers and that’s it. A customer has a problem -A consultant solves it. Done. Nothing more. This is not a way to offer outstanding customer support. Why? Because every time the chat is conducted there is a chance to take care of client and sell!

Chats that bring much better results are proactive chats where your agent is the one leading conversation, asking questions, suggesting next steps and helping to achieve them. Do not assume that customer knows everything else (except the matter he is asking about) as it is common that they don’t. It is chat agents role to make sure customer feels comfortable about making business with you. It is a must-have for your online business to  distinguish your brand by offering the most engaged customer support. Be proactive, not reactive.