Conversations enriched with graphics and buttons thanks to rich messages

When an image says more than 1000 words, the rich messages functionality available as additional service of .BespokeChat comes to the rescue. As part of this option, consultants can send additional information within the conversation to illustrate the offer, product, event, promotion, or contact details. Rich messages enrich and enhance the message for the client, attract his attention, and help faster.
The use of rich messages in chats is still not a very popular solution, which is why using this option gives you the chance to really stand out from other chat conversations that the Customer will carry out.

Available forms of presentation as part of rich messages:
- supplied pictures / illustrations in the form of a single or scrolling carousel
- buttons with hyperlinks to specific pages / subpages
- button to start a phone conversation (on a mobile device)
Rich messages work on the desktop and mobile LiveChat widget, in the Facebook Messenger and Apple Business Chat. The view of messages sent by consultants is visible in the conversation history in the .BespokeChat Panel